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Indirect media bribery common at local and regional levels in US media

The non-transparency of media is related to the issues of native advertising and content marketing. Katerina Tsetsura and Kelsie Aziz, both of University of Oklahoma, surveyed 287 members of the Public Relations Society of America on media transparency practices.

I am Yerevan , online publication: 2017 PR Summit welcomes Professor from the University of Oklahoma (in Russian)

The 4th International PR Summit was held in Yerevan, the purpose of which was to define the development principle and determine the scope of public relations. These were days of exchange of experience and creation of working relations for specialists in this field, cooperation was promoted both in Armenia and abroad. The event discussed issues related to the future prospects of the Republic of Armenia as a country with an economic and professional resource for cooperation.

Professors speaks at the 2017 PR Summit in Armenia AMI-News, Armenia (in Russian)Write a catchy title...

PR Summit helps to better understand the scope of PR, its development and trends, said Katerina Tsesura, Ph.D. in communications and public relations, professor of the University of Oklahoma at the opening of the fourth annual PR Summit in Yerevan.

“World Views KGOU” talks with Katerina Tsetsura..

Suzette Grillot of “World Views KGOU” talks with Katerina Tsetsura about the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and civil society engagement.

European Journalism Observatory: New Research on Transparency of Russian Journalists (in Russian)

Is journalism a profession or a vocation? This issue is gaining new relevance when it comes to journalists working in Russian regional media. Low salaries, lack of stability and a high level of stress in difficult economic and social conditions all put many of them before a complex ethical choice between professional conscientiousness and the need to maintain a decent standard of living.

IABC Round Table “Global Standards for the Communication Profession” (in Russian).

How much do professional standards for communication industry professionals need today? What are the existing certification systems in the world, what is common and what is different with Russian counterparts? Does our communication industry need to come closer to international standards? These issues are to be discussed at the round table. The presentation of the global two-year research of the IABC "Job Task Analysis" will dedicate you to the results of the analysis of professional tasks and competencies of specialists from 25 countries around the world at different stages of your career and help you see yourself in the global coordinate system of the communication profession.

#PR Career Launcher 042 - 2016

Continuing a series of brief profiles on people I've some to know and respect in the PR business: Dr. Katerina Tsetsura.  As PR people go, she has it all.  She's persuasive, convincing me to come not once but twice to Norman, Oklahoma - at the height of tornado season, no less - to deliver guest lectures to large groups of very bright, promising students. 

Interview UKRLIFE TV

Interview about journalism education in the USA (in Russian)

Finnish Journalists’ Association

Kaupallisen radiokanavan iltapäiväohjelmassa on luvassa kilpailu. Parasta naamiaisasua äänestäneille arvotaan lahjakortteja suuren leluketjun liikkeisiin, juontaja kertoo. Spiikkiä seuraa jingle, jossa paljastetaan, että ohjelman tarjoaa samainen leluketju.

Professor from Oklahoma speaks at the 2013 PR Days in Altay (in Russian)

The festival will bring together about 100 students from the Altai Territory, the Chelyabinsk Region and the Trans-Baikal Territory. In 2013, beginning advertisers and PR people will pass the "Young Fighter Course": they will master the skills of public speaking and writing press releases, learn how to make successful CVs, learn how to go through the path of a real communicator and become a professional.

Global Index of Media Bribery 2003 (overview of the study in Russian by the online publication LENIZDAT.RU)

Researchers at the Institute of Public Relations of the United States (IPR-USA) published an index of corruption of print media. 66 countries are ranked according to the degree of probability that journalists will require or accept cash payment for the publication of news items.

Overview of the 2003 Index of Media Bribery (in Ukrainian)tchy title...

The role of the "guard dog" of democracy, which the free press usually carries out in the countries of North America and Western Europe, the media of other regions is given a great deal of difficulty. Instead of exposing corruption in all spheres and at all levels of socio-political life, journalists are increasingly refusing the bribes themselves. At least this is the conclusion of the authors of the comparative study, which revealed the likelihood that the appearance of certain materials in print media is due to personal, and not in any way a professional interest in these journalists and editors.

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